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Effective Negotiation Strategies During Divorce Mediation in Orlando

By Steve W. Marsee |

Many divorce lawyers in Orlando approach divorce negotiations with highly effective strategies. These legal professionals may draw upon decades of experience at the negotiation table, and they may know exactly how to achieve positive results for their clients. Negotiation is an art, and it may involve a combination of financial acumen, psychological understanding, and… Read More »

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How to Streamline Custody Exchanges in Orlando

By Steve W. Marsee |

While many parents feel excited to see their children again after long waits, custody exchanges represent common sources of conflict for divorced spouses. It therefore makes sense to streamline this process as much as possible. If you are struggling with an uncooperative ex, these exchanges may seem highly stressful. If you cannot resolve this… Read More »

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Convincing Your Ex to Say No to Alimony

By Steve W. Marsee |

What if you could somehow convince your ex to say no to alimony? Your ex might be legally entitled to spousal support in Orlando – but they might be willing to relinquish this right under certain circumstances. If you want to pursue this strategy further, you’ll need to engage in private negotiations with your… Read More »

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Pros and Cons of Divorce as a High-Net-Worth Individual in Florida

By Steve W. Marsee |

High-net-worth individuals have unique considerations when approaching divorce. If you’re thinking about getting divorced in Florida, you need to consider a range of pros and cons that may not apply to lower-income individuals. At the end of the day, however, only you can decide whether divorce is necessary. Often, financial considerations are secondary to… Read More »

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Can You Negotiate Your Own Alimony Deal in a Florida Divorce?

By Steve W. Marsee |

Recent changes to Florida’s alimony laws have caused confusion among spouses. Even before these laws took effect, alimony was a somewhat complex endeavor in the Sunshine State. To determine how much alimony you might owe or receive, you need to consider various percentages, income disparity, and the length of the marriage. Can you skip… Read More »

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The Importance of Properly Assessing Your Marital Property in an Orlando Divorce

By Steve W. Marsee |

A divorce may force you to examine various assets in great detail. As you go through your various marital assets, you may be confronted with items you forgot existed. Perhaps you found an old family heirloom in the basement. Maybe your ex revealed a secret stash of precious metals. Perhaps you’re learning about assets… Read More »

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Can My Political Views Affect Child Custody in Florida?

By Steve W. Marsee |

Divisive political issues have spread across the United States, affecting not only the government but also individual families. If you are a divorced parent in Orlando, you might be wondering how your political views might affect child custody. Could you lose custody if your political views are deemed “extreme” by family courts? Should you… Read More »

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When Can I See My Kids if My Ex Won Primary Physical Custody?

By Steve W. Marsee |

Although joint custody is more common in Florida, sole physical custody is also a possibility. If your ex won sole physical custody in the Sunshine State, you might be wondering where this leaves you. When can you see your children? How much control does your ex have over your visitation rights? Can they still… Read More »

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Do I Still Need a Prenup if We Have Equal Income?

By Steve W. Marsee |

In the modern era, it is more common than ever for spouses to approach marriage with approximately equal levels of wealth. In many cases, spouses actually meet each other through work while performing the same roles at a certain company. If you and your spouse earn equal salaries, you might be wondering whether a… Read More »

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What Is the Difference Between Separate and Marital Property in Orlando?

By Steve W. Marsee |

As you learn more about how divorce works in Florida, you will likely encounter many new terms. Some are more important than others, and the distinction between separate and marital property may be especially crucial. If you understand the difference between these two concepts, it may become easier to determine what you can keep… Read More »

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