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Category Archives: Spousal Support


Lump-Sum vs. Periodic Alimony in Orlando: Which Is Better?

By Steve W. Marsee |

Whether you’re set to receive or pay alimony in Orlando, you might be wondering about the difference between a lump sum and periodic installments. Both options have their various pros and cons, but the optimal choice largely depends on your unique circumstances. It might be a good idea to discuss these circumstances alongside your… Read More »

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The Dangers of Paying Lump-Sum Alimony in Florida

By Steve W. Marsee |

If you are approaching a divorce in Florida, you might feel tempted to provide your ex with a lump-sum alimony payment. Your logic might be to “get it over with” and part ways with your ex without ever having to deal with them again. Seeing money drained from your account each month can serve… Read More »

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Is it Easier to Lower Alimony or Child Support in Florida?

By Steve W. Marsee |

Faced with financial pressures, many spouses and parents may wonder whether it might be possible to lower child support or spousal support in Florida. Both might represent serious economic burdens for the average Florida resident – but which one is easier to lower (or even eliminate)? Although the answer depends on your unique circumstances,… Read More »

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Proving That You Are Entitled to Stop Paying Alimony After Retiring

By Steve W. Marsee |

Due to recent changes in Florida’s divorce laws, it is now easier to cease or reduce alimony payments when you enter retirement. Today, many spouses are taking advantage of these new laws by establishing that they have reached normal retirement age. This process may be more complicated than it appears, and it’s not simply… Read More »

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How Long Do You Have To Pay Spousal Support (Alimony) In Florida?

By Steve W. Marsee |

If you are getting divorced or have already finalized your divorce in Florida, you might wonder, “How long do alimony payments last in Florida?” The question is not uncommon, especially among divorced individuals who were ordered to pay spousal support. Since each case is unique, the answer depends on the circumstances of your divorce…. Read More »

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Is Alimony Terminated Upon Retirement in Florida?

By Steve W. Marsee |

Many people who were ordered to pay alimony to their former spouse wonder, “Will alimony be terminated if I retire?” The answer is not as straightforward as it may seem. Under Florida law, the spouse paying or receiving spousal support has a right to modify an alimony order if they can prove the following… Read More »

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Can You Modify Your Alimony Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic in Florida?

By Steve W. Marsee |

The economic downturn triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs. As over 2 million Floridians filed unemployment claims amid the pandemic, many divorced individuals are wondering whether they can modify their alimony due to their coronavirus-related financial hardship. First of all, yes, you may be able to request… Read More »

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How to Avoid an Alimony Award During a Florida Divorce

By Steve W. Marsee |

Even if divorce cannot be prevented, you may still be able to avoid an alimony award in your divorce case in Florida. However, in some cases, alimony is inescapable, though it does not mean that Florida courts order spousal support in every divorce. Also, an alimony award does not necessarily mean that these payments… Read More »

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Are You Eligible for Durational Alimony in Florida?

By Steve W. Marsee |

Durational alimony is a relatively new concept in Florida’s family law, which is why many divorced and separated couples underestimate its importance. A Florida court has the authority to grant spousal support to the lower-earning spouses in the form of: bridge-the-gap; rehabilitative; lump sum; permanent periodic; and durational alimony. If you are wondering whether… Read More »

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Does Your Ex-Spouse’s Cohabitation Stop Alimony Payments in Florida?

By Steve W. Marsee |

In Florida, the payer spouse can stop alimony payments if the recipient is cohabitating or engaged in a supportive relationship with another individual. However, determining what constitutes “cohabitation” and “supportive relationship” in Florida is not always clear. To determine whether your circumstances warrant a modification of the alimony order, speak with an Orlando spousal… Read More »

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