Tag Archives: Orlando Divorce Lawyers

Do you Qualify for an Uncontested Divorce? Find Out Now
Your divorce does not have to be a complicated, drawn-out process. If you qualify for an uncontested divorce, ending your marriage can be a fairly quick, inexpensive process in comparison to a traditional litigated divorce. Not every couple qualifies for this type of divorce, though. Find out now if you and your spouse are… Read More »

Which Demographics have the Highest Divorce Rates?
Divorce rates are not the same across all demographic groups in the United States. Although a commonly cited statistic is that 50 percent of marriages end in divorce, this is actually not an accurate figure. Real divorce statistics are much more nuanced and can vary widely between socioeconomic groups and according to other factors,… Read More »

Why Would I Need to Modify my Divorce Order?
A divorce settlement is comprised of one or more court orders. These are the orders that state how the couple’s marital property is divided, their parenting plan, their child support amount, and their alimony arrangement. As the years pass after a couple’s divorce, it is not uncommon for their needs and circumstances to change…. Read More »

What Happens when an Alimony Order Ends?
Permanent alimony is far less common than it was in the past. Today, most alimony orders are created to last for a specific period of time, either to help rectify the income disparities between a couple for a specific number of years after their divorce or to help cover the lesser earning spouse’s educational… Read More »

Four Ways to Save Money on Your Divorce
Everybody wants to save money. It is why we buy in bulk, why we clip coupons, and why we spend time looking for deals in stores and online. What you might not realize is that you can save money on your divorce by making a few strategic choices. This is not the same as… Read More »

Dividing a Personal Injury Settlement and Deciding your Alimony Order
If you or your spouse stand to face financial difficulty after your divorce, a spousal support order could be part of your divorce settlement. All of your income and assets, including personal injury compensation, will be considered when determining an appropriate spousal support order. What Personal Injury Settlements Cover When an individual is injured… Read More »

Does Adultery Impact Alimony Decisions in Florida?
Many people get confused when they are asked about how adultery affects alimony orders. In some states, one spouse’s extramarital affair can have quite an impact on his or her alimony order, depending on whether he or she was the adulterous spouse or the “innocent” spouse and whether he or she is seeking alimony… Read More »

What Can I Do if I Cannot Afford my Alimony Payments?
It is rare for an individual’s financial circumstances to stay the same for years and decades after his or her divorce. We all have our financial ups and downs. When your financial situation becomes difficult, it can make it hard to continue paying your alimony order. Whatever you do, do not just stop making… Read More »

Why Do American Couples Divorce?
The obvious reason why American couples divorce is that they determine they are no longer compatible with each other. But when most people ask this question, they are not looking for the obvious answer – they are looking to understand the issues that drive couples to end their marriages. Couples divorce for a wide… Read More »

What Can We Do with Our Marital Debt?
When your marriage ends in divorce, all of your marital assets and debts must be divided between you and your spouse. These are the assets and debts you obtained or accrued together during your marriage. Carrying debt through the divorce process can be a burden. Many couples choose to reduce or eliminate their marital… Read More »