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Monthly Archives: October 2022


Lump Sum Alimony Vs. Normal Alimony

By Steve W. Marsee |

If alimony is required in your marriage, you may have the option to choose either a lump-sum payment or a more traditional method of monthly payments. But which option represents the best choice for your divorce? There are pros and cons to each option, and the best choice for you depends entirely on your… Read More »

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What Might Cause Lingering Bitterness After A Divorce?

By Steve W. Marsee |

The psychological effects of a divorce can last long after the papers are signed. Some spouses struggle with bitterness and resentment for many years after this process is finalized, and some never truly get over it. Some of these individuals have valid reasons for feeling this way, while others may simply be unable to… Read More »

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Substance Abuse Among Divorced Parents: How Much Is Too Much?

By Steve W. Marsee |

About 20 million American adults have struggled with substance abuse in the past. This is approximately one in ten. Of course, there are many others who keep their substance abuse issues under wraps, so the real number is probably much higher. Because of these numbers, there’s a relatively good chance your ex has dealt… Read More »

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What Should You Do With Your Alimony Money?

By Steve W. Marsee |

If you receive a favorable outcome in your divorce and walk away with a considerable amount of money in an alimony award, you might be wondering what to do with these funds. Perhaps you’ve never had this kind of money before in your life. Maybe your former spouse was the one who managed the… Read More »

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What Happens In A Divorce If I Owned My Apartment Prior To The Marriage?

By Steve W. Marsee |

Marriage often results in significant “upgrades” for the spouses involved – the most obvious of which involves their living situation. Sometimes, these changes are necessary due to growing families. In other situations, these changes may be brought about by personal preferences rather than anything else. In any case, a common situation involves a spouse… Read More »

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