When Am I Allowed To Stop My Ex From Visiting My Children?

Parents in Florida might want to prevent their exes from seeing their children for a variety of reasons. Perhaps one parent is concerned that the other is a bad influence on the children. Maybe they believe that their children are not safe when under the supervision of their former spouse. You might believe that your former spouse will kidnap your children and take them away. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to understand that preventing visitation could seriously backfire. If you want to change your parenting plan, you need to go through the proper legal avenues.
The best way to approach this situation is to get in touch with a qualified, experienced family law attorney in Florida. These legal professionals can assess your unique situation and guide you towards a positive solution. If you believe that your former spouse should no longer have visitation rights, a lawyer can attempt to protect your children by modifying your parenting agreement. While this process isn’t always easy, you stand the best chance of success when working with an experienced family law attorney.
All Parents Have Some Level of Visitation Rights
Firstly, it’s important to note that all parents have at least some level of visitation rights. Florida courts generally agree that children benefit psychologically from continued contact with both parents. Even if one parent is dangerous or unreliable as a guardian, they still have the right to see their child from time to time. Although these visits may be supervised or heavily restricted, they will still take place. Only under extremely rare circumstances is a parent banned from ever seeing their child again.
You Cannot Simply Stop Your Ex From Seeing Your Child
If you are concerned about your child spending time with your ex, it is imperative that you go through the proper legal avenues. If you simply stop your child from seeing your ex and take matters into your own hands, you could face significant consequences. After you divorce, a parenting plan and an agreement will be created that you must follow. If you violate this agreement and prevent your ex from spending time with the child, your own visitation rights might be affected.
How to Modify a Child Custody Agreement
If you believe that your child is no longer safe with your ex, you can get in touch with a family law attorney and attempt to modify your child custody agreement. In order to do this, you must show that a significant change in circumstances has occurred. For example, you may have discovered that your spouse has developed a substance abuse problem, or perhaps they have committed an act of domestic abuse.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
For help from a skilled Orlando family lawyer, reach out to Steve Marsee, P.A. Over the years, we have assisted many concerned parents who want to protect their children from questionable former spouses. With our help, you can approach this difficult situation with a sense of confidence and efficiency. Book your consultation as soon as possible to get started.