What’s The Difference Between Rehabilitative And Bridge-The-Gap Alimony In Florida?

There are many different types of alimony in Florida, and two of the most common are “bridge-the-gap,” and “rehabilitative.” Both may become even more common in the coming years as Florida strives to end permanent alimony and make this form of spousal support even more restrictive. For the average person, it can be difficult to determine the differences between these two forms of alimony. Understanding these key distinctions can help you move forward with a greater sense of confidence and efficiency.
Bridge-the-Gap Alimony Explained
Bridge-the-gap alimony is only intended to help spouses transition from married life to single life. Essentially, this form of alimony is extremely short-term, and it is only intended to cover basic bills and expenses associated with starting a new single life. This might include the first month of rent, moving costs, the initial cost of leasing a vehicle, utility bills, and so on. One of the most important things you need to realize about bridge-the-gap alimony is that it ends very quickly. Florida law states that it cannot continue for longer than two years after the divorce.
Rehabilitative Alimony Explained
On the other hand, we have rehabilitative alimony. This type of alimony helps spouses become financially self-sufficient with specific plans. These plans might include college education, certification, internships, and any other processes that may be necessary before a spouse can achieve financial independence. In many cases, spouses may have past certifications and careers that they can revisit if they go through a period of re-training.
In other cases, spouses must start a new career from scratch. Rehabilitative alimony is especially likely if a spouse “sacrificed” their career for the marriage, perhaps becoming a stay-at-home parent or a homemaker. Florida law does not say how long rehabilitative alimony should last. This is likely because rehabilitative alimony is personalized based on the specific plan of the receiving spouse. Different spouses may require different types of education, re-certification, and so on.
Comparing and Contrasting Rehabilitative and Bridge-the-Gap Alimony
The main difference is that rehabilitative alimony is much more specific and personalized. The alimony duration and amount depends on what the spouse needs to become self-sufficient. In contrast, bridge-the-gap alimony is less personalized, providing spouses with a basic amount of money needed to move out and start paying their own bills. It doesn’t take into account plans for re-education or re-entering the workforce. However, bridge-the-gap alimony is more specific in terms of its duration, which is capped at 2 years. Bridge-the-gap is also more commonly awarded in shorter marriages.
Where Can I Find a Qualified Divorce Attorney in Orlando?
If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced Orlando divorce attorney, look no further than Steve Marsee, P.A. Over the years, we have helped numerous divorcing spouses strive for positive alimony results. We know that each situation is different, and that you need an alimony plan that reflects your unique circumstances. Book your consultation today to get started with an effective action plan.