What Should Be My Top Priority During an Orlando Divorce?

During a typical divorce in Orlando, spouses must focus on various goals. Some may worry about walking away with a fair property division settlement. Others may be more concerned about their children – both in terms of custody and support funds. There are also spouses who place considerable emphasis on alimony. But what if you’re not sure which of these goals is most important? What should be your top priority from a logical standpoint?
Many Spouses Prioritize the Family Home
Many spouses prioritize the family home. This is an understandable goal for obvious reasons, as the family home is usually the most valuable asset in a family’s estate. Whoever maintains ownership of the family home typically walks away with a high-value asset.
However, exiting marriage with the family home may also have certain “knock-on effects.” If a parent continues living in the home after their divorce, they may be more likely to receive primary physical custody of the children. This is because the family court usually avoids causing too many traumatic changes in a child’s life after divorce. By keeping them in a stable, familiar environment, the family court aims to reduce psychological turmoil.
That being said, child custody issues are usually resolved before property division in Florida. This means that if you want to keep the family home, you may need to prioritize child custody as a first step. If you gain primary custody, you may be more likely to continue living in the family home.
Of course, this assumes the family home is “marital property” – and this is not always the case. If a spouse purchased the home before signing their marriage contract, then the property is “separate” and indivisible during divorce.
Some Parents Only Care About Their Children
While property division can affect child custody (and vice versa), many parents completely ignore their various assets and focus primarily on their children. These individuals may wish to formulate targeted strategies alongside experienced lawyers, spending the majority of their legal budget on custody proceedings and not much else.
Priorities Are Different During Gray Divorces
Spouses may have very different priorities during so-called “gray divorces.” These are divorces between spouses who are approaching or past retirement age. These individuals may also focus on their family homes, but they may also prioritize various retirement assets. Often, these assets become highly lucrative when spouses reach a certain age – and both spouses may be desperate to ensure their own financial stability during their twilight years.
Discuss Your Priorities With an Experienced Divorce Lawyer in Orlando
While some priorities may be more important than others during an average divorce, each situation is slightly different. Your priorities may not be the same as the average spouse, and an online article might not provide the same kind of targeted guidance as an Orlando divorce attorney. Schedule a consultation with Steve Marsee, P.A. to discuss your unique goals and priorities in more detail.