What Custody Arrangement Is Most Beneficial For Child Mental Health?

Most parents recognize that when it comes to child custody, the most important priority is the child’s mental health. Those who have witnessed the divorce of their parents know that this incident can be incredibly traumatic, and this trauma can stay with an individual for the rest of their life. As such, it makes sense to minimize the potential mental health effects of a divorce as much as possible, and this should be a primary concern for anyone who is approaching this legal process. But what type of custody arrangement is most beneficial when it comes to child mental health?
While a divorce attorney is not a mental health professional, they can help you implement a custody plan that serves the child’s best interests. After doing your own research on the psychological data, you can connect with a family law attorney and put your plan into action. A divorce lawyer can assess your unique family situation during a consultation and provide you with targeted, effective legal advice. Family lawyers are especially helpful if your ex is intent on pursuing a custody arrangement that does not serve your child’s mental health priorities.
The Benefits of Shared Custody
It’s easy to assume that your child will benefit most if they stay with you the vast majority of the time. Each parent naturally believes that they can raise their children in the most efficient manner while simultaneously doubting the parenting abilities of anyone else. This type of viewpoint is especially common if your separation was not amicable, and you believe your ex is guilty of various acts of misconduct and negligence.
But when you put the bitterness of divorce aside, the psychological data clearly states that in the vast majority of cases, joint custody is the most beneficial for children. When children have the chance to spend adequate time with both parents, they feel more loved and cared for as a whole. This is what most child psychology experts recommend. A study conducted in Stockholm, Sweden found that parents who lived with just one parent were more likely to experience stress. Another study conducted by the Department of Health and Medicine Hygiene in Baltimore found that children in joint custody arrangements had better self-esteem, better academic performance, and better family relations than children in sole custody arrangements. In addition, children in joint custody had less behavioral and emotional issues.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
For help from a skilled Orlando family law attorney, look no further than Steve Marsee, P.A. We know full well how important it is to create a custody arrangement that serves the best interests of the child. Sometimes, that means making sacrifices and coming to compromises with your ex. In other situations, it means fighting it out in court for a fair custody decision. Whatever the case may be, we’ll help you strive for the best results in a confident manner. Reach out today.