How Should You Speak About Your Ex In Front Of Your Children?

After a messy divorce, it can be tempting to “vent” about your former spouse, telling anyone who will listen all about what you were forced to endure. In some ways, talking about these incidents is natural and healthy. Getting things off your chest is important – especially if you’ve been going through a major divorce. On the other hand, saying the wrong things about your spouse can be highly detrimental – especially if you let certain things slip while talking to your children. So what is the best way to speak about your ex in front of your children? What kinds of details should you avoid mentioning?
These questions are perhaps best left answered by a legal professional – such as a divorce attorney in Florida. These legal professionals can offer you excellent advice that is tailored to your unique situation. In contrast, internet research often leaves you with very vague answers. If you’re dealing with any divorce-related issue whatsoever, your first step should be to get in touch with a lawyer – ideally as soon as possible.
Avoid Bad-Mouthing Your Ex in Front of Your Kids
As a general rule, you should always avoid “bad-mouthing” your ex in front of your children. Family courts look upon this behavior very unfavorably, and it can cause you to lose your custody rights in some instances. It’s probably a good idea to avoid talking about your ex completely in front of your ex. Or if you do end up talking about them, speak in a very impartial and unemotional manner. Not only does bad-mouthing your ex affect custody, but also affects the psychological well-being of your children.
Avoid Speaking Too Much on Social Media
One a side note, it’s also a good idea to avoid speaking excessively about your divorce on social media. Changing your relationship status is fine, but when you start hurling accusations and revealing details about your split online, you may run into serious issues. Judges look upon this behavior very unfavorably, and you could lose out on custody and a range of other aspects of your divorce.
What You Should Say to Your Kids
Generally speaking, one of the safest things to say to your kids is something quite vague, such as “we grew apart” or “it’s just not working anymore.” This strategy avoids placing blame at anyone’s feet, and it reinforces the idea that the entire family still cares about each other – even if this isn’t exactly true.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
If you’ve been searching for an Orlando divorce attorney, look no further than Steve Marsee, P.A. Over the years, we have assisted numerous divorcing spouses in the Sunshine State, and we know how daunting many of these issues can seem. We know that issues related to child custody are of the utmost importance, and we can help you fight for your rights as a parent. More importantly, we can help you avoid common mistakes that can drastically affect your custody battle in a negative manner. Book your consultation today to get started.