Can I Get Custody in Florida Even if I Work Full-Time?

Many parents work full-time in Florida, and some even work multiple jobs. With the rising cost of living, it’s even more important to focus on your career. Many parents feel motivated to work in order to provide for their children. Somewhat ironically, their preoccupation with work may pose challenges when seeking child custody. But does a full-time job really prevent you from gaining custody of your children in Florida?
Courts May Consider Work Schedules When Awarding Custody
The work schedules of both parents may be considered by family courts in Florida. In the modern era, however, it is somewhat expected that both parents will work full-time. If one parent has a full-time job, this does not make them an “outlier.” Instead, it is considered normal. In fact, a full-time job can work in a parent’s favor, as it indicates a certain degree of responsibility and discipline. It also shows that the parent has the capability to provide basic necessities for the child, such as shelter, food, education, healthcare, and clothing.
That being said, not all full-time jobs are created equal. Some parents work very demanding hours which make it almost impossible for them to focus on anything else. For example, a parent who works 14 hours a day will have little time to care for their children. This is something that family courts in Florida are well aware of, and it is their goal to serve the child’s best interests. This does not mean that a parent who works long hours will lose all custody, but it may lead to certain arrangements that take this schedule into account. For example, a parent who works long hours might simply have custody of the children on the weekends.
You might also need to consider your work’s travel requirements. If your job involves driving long distances or numerous business trips throughout the year, this might not be ideal in the context of child custody. For example, a military service member might struggle to gain custody if they are being shifted around from base to base. A businessperson who travels to different countries throughout the year might also struggle when fighting for custody.
A Work Schedule is Just One Factor
Finally, it’s worth mentioning that your work schedule is just one factor that family courts may consider, and there are many others that form the whole equation. For example, a parent who works full-time may be the best option for a child if the other parent has a history of substance abuse, violence, and mental health issues.
Where Can I Find a Qualified, Experienced Divorce Attorney in Florida?
If you’ve been searching for an Orlando divorce attorney, look no further than Steve Marsee, P.A. Over the years, we have helped numerous divorcing spouses pursue positive outcomes in custody, child support, property division, alimony, and any other divorce-related issue. With our help, you can strive for a custody outcome that serves your child’s best interests – even if you’re working a full-time job. Book your consultation today to discuss the most appropriate course of legal action.