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Alimony Changes in Florida That You Need to Be Aware Of


Alimony in Florida is confusing enough for divorcing spouses. But with recent changes to this system in the Sunshine State, spouses today face even more challenges as they attempt to wrap their heads around alimony. This is especially true when you consider the fact that online articles that explain alimony in Florida may now be outdated. But what are the most recent changes that you need to be aware of as you approach divorce? Do these changes allow you to modify your existing alimony agreement? Let’s find out:

Who Is Affected by New Alimony Changes in Florida?

A wide range of spouses may be affected by new changes to Florida’s alimony system. The changes apply to all cases filed after July 1 of 2023. However, it also applies to all pending cases. This means that if your divorce has not yet been resolved, there is a good chance the new alimony laws will apply to your unique situation.

 The End of Permanent Alimony 

Perhaps the most notable change in Florida’s alimony system is that permanent alimony is no longer possible. It doesn’t matter how long your marriage lasted, and no additional factors will be taken into account (such as disability). No spouse will ever be forced to pay permanent alimony in the State of Florida ever again.

 Short Marriages Have Zero Alimony 

Another important change is that spouses who divorce after short marriages will not pay any alimony whatsoever. Florida defines short marriages as being less than three years. The average divorce occurs within about 8 years, which means that most spouses will not be affected by this change.

 Alimony Depends on the Length of Your Marriage 

Florida has also defined marriages of varying length, and these definitions affect how much alimony you will receive – if any. As previously mentioned short-term marriages are defined as having a length of less than three years, and these marriages result in zero alimony. Mid-term marriages are defined as lasting between 10 and 20 years. Alimony for mid-term marriages cannot exceed 50% of the duration of the marriage.

For example, alimony for a marriage lasting 8 years cannot last for more than 4 years under the new legislation. Long-term marriages are defined as lasting more than 20 years in Florida. Alimony for long-term marriages cannot last more than 75% of the marriage. For example, alimony for a marriage lasting 40 years can not extend for more than 30 years under the new legislation.

Rehabilitative Alimony Has a Set End Date

 Finally, rehabilitative alimony now has a maximum length of five years. You may recall that rehabilitative alimony is only intended to give spouses enough time and resources to recertify, undergo training, and take similar steps to become financially self-sufficient.

Where Can I Find a Qualified, Experienced Alimony Attorney in Florida? 

If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced Orlando family attorney, look no further than Steve Marsee, P.A. Even if you have already established your alimony agreement, it might be booking a consultation with us to discuss how these recent changes may affect your situation. For many spouses, these changes can lead to notable benefits. However, you must take effective action if you want to take full advantage of these benefits. Reach out today to learn more.




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