Why Divorcing Couples Need To Be Careful Online

In the modern era, it’s important to be very careful about what you do or say online. This is especially true for divorcing spouses, who run the risk of damaging their legal prospects by making the wrong choices in the digital world. This can be a difficult issue to avoid, especially if you’re dealing with turbulent emotions and you can’t resist the urge to rant online. Before you reach for your phone, it’s important to understand the full consequences of these actions.
Your first move should always be to get in touch with a qualified, experienced divorce attorney in Orlando. During your initial consultation, your lawyer will give you sound legal advice as you plan out your next moves. They’ll advise against common mistakes such as these, and you can move forward in a confident, efficient manner. It’s best to contact an attorney as soon as you know a divorce is imminent.
Revealing Problematic Information
Firstly, you need to avoid revealing problematic information online. For example, you might enjoy a drink every now and then. Perhaps you know that this isn’t a huge deal, but your spouse might be able to use this against you if they can collect certain evidence from your social media accounts. Videos or photographs of you drinking heavily can come back to haunt you, especially when it comes to child custody.
You might also unwittingly reveal evidence of a past affair on social media. In Florida, adultery does not affect alimony in most cases. However, it can become a factor if there is evidence that the affair caused financial losses to the other spouse. For example, you might have images online that show how you showered your lover with gifts and lavish vacations. This can drastically affect alimony.
In addition, your online activities can reveal questionable financial activities. For example, if you’ve reported your income and assets to be quite low during the property division process, you probably don’t want to post pictures of yourself with a shiny new sportscar.
Acting Hostile Towards Your Spouse
Many divorcing spouses use social media to rant publicly about their separation, accusing their spouse of all kinds of misconduct. They may also message their exes directly with hostile comments and even threats. It’s best to avoid this at all costs, as these activities may affect child custody and many other elements of your divorce.
Using This to Your Advantage
Of course, you can also use this digital evidence to your advantage if you spot your spouse engaging in any of this behavior. This can be a valuable way to get the most out of your divorce.
Contact an Attorney for Help
Dedicated Orlando divorce lawyer Steve Marsee can help you throughout each step of your case. Over the years, we have helped numerous spouses overcome various divorce-related issues, including problematic online activities. The best option is to prevent these mistakes from ever happening in the first place, but you can also react and mitigate consequences with our help. Book your consultation today, and you can approach the end of your marriage with a sense of dignity.