What if Your Ex Isn’t Trying to Accomplish Anything During Rehabilitative Alimony?

Although rehabilitative alimony in Florida gives receiving spouses valuable financial support after divorce, these spouses cannot simply sit back and achieve nothing during this process. In Florida, rehabilitative alimony comes with clear conditions. If the receiving spouse fails to meet these conditions, then they may stop receiving payments. What should you do if you’re providing your ex with rehabilitative alimony – and they’re not meeting their requirements?
Rehabilitative Alimony Follows a Strict Plan
The first thing you need to know about rehabilitative alimony is that it always follows a strict plan. Somewhat predictably, this is referred to as a “rehabilitative plan.” The receiving spouse must create a clear plan in order to receive rehabilitative alimony, and this plan must detail exactly how they will achieve financial independence in the future. Often, this involves some kind of education plan.
For example, your ex might plan to attend college and get a four-year degree. As a result, a judge might approve this plan, ordering you to pay alimony for this four-year process. Or perhaps your ex plans to go to trade school. Maybe they have a degree that they never finished, and they only need a few more years in school to earn this accreditation. Whatever the case may be, the term and duration of rehabilitative alimony depend on these unique factors, and the terms may vary from spouse to spouse.
What If My Ex Isn’t Following Through with Their Education?
If you find out your ex isn’t even bothering to attend classes and follow through with their educational plan, this might allow you to end your alimony payments early. For example, they might not have attended any of their university classes within the past year. In the eyes of the Florida family courts, it is not your responsibility to pay for your ex to simply sit at home and accomplish nothing. This stance is even more embedded within the family law system due to recent legislative changes in Florida. The current stance seems to be moving away from needless, long-term alimony payments, and some would say that it favors the spouse who pays alimony rather than the one who receives it.
Another possibility might involve a spouse who attends classes but fails to get passing grades. If your ex is flunking all of these classes, their rehabilitative plan is clearly untenable. As a result, you may be able to return to family court, re-examine the situation, and cease all further alimony payments for a plan that clearly isn’t working. This is something you will need to discuss with your family law attorney in Orlando.
Find a Qualified, Experienced Alimony Lawyer in Orlando
If you have been searching for a qualified, experienced alimony lawyer in Orlando, look no further than Steve Marsee, P.A. Over the years, we have helped numerous spouses consider their options for reducing or ending alimony early. If your spouse is not making an effort to achieve financial independence while receiving rehabilitative alimony, you may be fully within your rights to cease these payments completely. Book your consultation today to learn more.