Considering a Move after a Florida Divorce? Read This First

Divorce represents a fresh slate for many spouses, but the urge to move away can lead to unforeseen consequences in Florida. Before you pack your bags and embark on your new life, you might want to consider how this decision will affect your future. The potential effects of relocation have changed after the passing of a new bill in Florida, making it even more important to educate yourself on the subject.
Consult with a Lawyer Before Leaving the Family Home
Those recently confronted with the reality of divorce may wish to leave the family home as soon as possible. This is especially common if the breakdown of the marriage has been especially emotional – or even violent. However, it makes sense to think carefully before leaving the family home. In many cases, leaving the family home leads to disadvantages in several key areas.
This might include your continued ownership of the family home and positive custody results. Often, the spouse who chooses to stay in the family home has a better chance of not only primary custody, but also continued use and ownership of the property. Note that if you are experiencing domestic violence, a protective order can force your ex to leave the family home.
Choose Carefully When Picking a New Home
If you are content with moving away from the family home, consider choosing a new resident that is relatively close by. If you choose a new residence that is too far away from the family home, you may encounter issues regarding child custody. In the view of family courts in Orlando, it is not in the child’s best interest to spend excessive amounts of time traveling back and forth between each parent’s residence. This is even more critical due to a new divorce bill in Florida, as the “50-mile-rule” is now explicitly written into the law. Speak with your attorney for more information regarding this new bill.
Do Not Cross State Borders with Your Children
During the emotionally turbulent period of a divorce, many parents have the urge to take their kids and leave the state. This is an extremely ill-advised decision, and it will likely lead to serious legal consequences. Until your divorce is resolved, both parents have important custody rights. Taking the kids out of the state without your ex’s permission or knowledge may be prosecuted as a kidnapping offense. Even after your divorce is resolved, parents must be very careful about leaving the state with their kids – even if they have primary physical custody.
Where Can I Find a Qualified, Experienced Divorce Attorney in Florida?
If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced Orlando divorce attorney, look no further than Steve Marsee, P.A. We know that the urge to move away may be strong, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to start a new life after a turbulent divorce. That said, it’s important to approach this decision in an efficient manner. Book your consultation today and receive targeted guidance based on your unique situation.