6 Benefits Of Hiring A Forensic Accountant For Your Florida Divorce

Many divorcing couples use forensic accountants when going through a divorce. A forensic accountant is a person who helps you ensure that you have prepared all the financial records and documentation you need for divorce.
Many spouses hire forensic accountants to uncover the other spouse’s hidden assets or income. If you wish to end your marriage but are not sure if you need to hire a forensic accountant, consult with an attorney.
At the Law Offices of Steve W. Marsee, P.A., our Orlando divorce attorney will review your particular situation to determine if you can benefit from hiring a forensic accountant.
What Does a Forensic Accountant Do?
A forensic accountant has many responsibilities when you are considering filing for divorce:
- Help you collect the necessary financial records and documentation to file a petition for divorce;
- Determine the appropriate amount of alimony available in your divorce case;
- Get an estimate for child support payments in your divorce;
- Find hidden income and assets; and
- Help you distinguish between marital and separate assets and liabilities.
Now that you know what a forensic account can do, let’s review the benefits of hiring one for your Florida divorce case.
What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Forensic Accountant?
You can benefit from hiring a forensic accountant when going through a divorce. The benefits include:
- They will help you find hidden assets
Forensic accountants are trained to uncover hidden assets, including bank accounts, property, offshores, and many more. It is not uncommon for spouses to hide assets to prevent sharing them with their ex-spouse, so looking for hidden assets is highly recommended.
- They will determine how much your business is worth
Forensic accountants are trained to perform a business valuation. If you or your spouse owns a business, it is advised to determine how much it is worth in order to be able to split the business fairly. However, either spouse’s business may not be subject to equitable distribution if it is classified as separate property.
- They will help you calculate alimony and child support
If you and your spouse share children, a forensic accountant can help you determine how much one spouse would be required to pay the other in child support payments. If either spouse requests alimony, a forensic accountant will help you determine the appropriate amount of spousal support.
- They will ensure that you have all the financial records you need
Your forensic accountant will help you prepare all the financial information, records, and documents you need to file for divorce.
- They will work with your attorney to request a subpoena
If your forensic accountant has suspicion to believe that your spouse is hiding assets or income from you, they will work with your divorce attorney to file a subpoena to confirm that your spouse has hidden assets.
- They will testify in court
If your divorce case goes to court, you may need a forensic accountant to testify in court to support your arguments in front of the judge.
Contact an Orlando Divorce Attorney
Before hiring a forensic accountant, it is advisable to consult with an attorney. Speak with our Orlando divorce attorney at the Law Offices of Steve W. Marsee, P.A., to discuss how a forensic accountant may help you during your divorce proceedings. Call 407-521-7171 for a consultation.