10 Things to Consider When Creating a Parenting Plan in Florida

Getting divorced is always tough, especially if your divorce involves children. Under Section 61.13, Florida Statutes, parents who are divorcing are required to create a parenting plan. Filling out a parenting plan is a significant task because this document will serve as a roadmap for how parents should navigate disagreements and conflicts without having to go to court.
A parenting plan outlines the parties’ parental responsibilities and provides a detailed custody schedule. Since creating a parenting plan is such a critical part of the divorce process, it is vital to consider certain things to make sure that you do it the right way.
It is advised to seek legal counsel when filling out a parenting plan in Florida. Contact our Orlando child custody attorney at Law Offices of Steve W. Marsee, P.A., to help you negotiate with your spouse to create a favorable parenting plan.
What to consider when filling out a parenting plan in Florida?
When it comes to creating a parenting plan in Florida, there are ten issues that need to be considered by both parents and their attorneys:
- Parental responsibilities. Since a parenting plan will outline each party’s parental responsibilities, it is vital to decide who will be responsible for making decisions regarding healthcare, school, education, extracurricular activities, religious upbringing, and other matters.
- Time-sharing schedule. This part of your parenting plan will address when each parent has parenting time with their child;
- Holiday schedule. This section of the plan will outline how holidays are split between the parents. Holidays should include school breaks, birthdays, and special occasions.
- Flexible scheduling. Your parenting plan may also specify how flexible you can be with your scheduling. However, this may not work for parents who cannot communicate well together.
- Transportation and exchange. A comprehensive and effective parenting plan must also contain provisions about who will be responsible for arranging and providing transportation and when and how child custody exchanges will happen (e.g., there will be drop off locations or the parent will visit the other parent’s home to pick up the child).
- Travel restrictions. Many parents choose to incorporate travel restrictions in their parenting plans. Provisions may include restricting a parent’s out-of-state travel with the child.
- Relocation with the child. Also, your parenting plan may address whether to allow either parent to relocate with the child.
- Information. This section of your parenting plan should address who will be listed as your child’s emergency contact, who will have access to healthcare and school records, who will attend parent-teacher meetings, etc.
- Communication. Your parenting plan should set rules for communication between the parent and child (texting, phone calls, online chats, emails, etc.).
- Dispute resolution. An effective parenting plan should include mechanisms and guidelines for resolving any disputes and conflicts that may arise between the parents.
Seek legal counsel prior to creating a parenting plan. Consult with our Orlando family law attorney to help you create a parenting plan and determine time-sharing arrangements in your particular case. Contact Law Offices of Steve W. Marsee, P.A. for a consultation. Call at 407-521-7171.